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Septic System & Drainfield Tips

  • DO'S
    Do learn the location of your septic tank and drainfield; keep detailed records of activity (repairs, pumpings, inspections, permits issued). Do have your septic system inspected and pumped as required per county ordinance. Do call a professional whenever you experience problems with your system. Do clean your tank filter twice a year (if applicable). If you have a pump, alarm or switches have them tested for proper operation. Do use less water. Reducing the amount of wastewater may increase your system’s life span. Drainfields do not have an unlimited capacity. Do keep heavy vehicles off the septic tank and drainfield areas. Do install risers to your septic entry for easier access. Make sure they are securely chained and locked. Do divert water away from the drainfield. Water runoff from roofs and drainage ditches can saturate the soil.
  • DONT'S
    Don’t enter a septic tank. There are toxic gasses produced by the natural treatment process in the septic tank and can kill in minutes. Always use precaution when inspecting a septic tank, even if you are just looking in. Don’t use septic tank additives or “miracle” system cleaners. Some of these can actually harm your system by allowing solids to flow into and clog the drainfield. The chemicals can also contaminate ground and surface water. Don’t flush solid wastes into the septic system. These include diapers, cigarettes, coffee grounds, tampons, condoms, grease, baby wipes. etc. Don’t put strong chemicals, such as cleaning products, down the drain. Household chemicals can destroy important bacteria in your septic tank and contaminate ground and surface water. Don’t dispose large volumes of water into the system, especially from hot tubs. Don’t construct patios, carports or landscaping plastic over the drainfield. Soil compaction and paving prevents oxygen from getting into the soil. This oxygen is needed by bacteria to break down and treat sewage.
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